Monday, January 31, 2011

Uh, Embankment!

Awwww teenage love!
This story comes from my teen-hood, if you will.  I had a boyfriend, we had been dating awhile.  But then we broke up.  Things happen.  It was supposed to be a time out.  I gave him back his senior ring and he hung it on his rear view mirror and said, "it will stay right here until you come back to me."
Well sometime later on I saw him at a rodeo.  We stopped to speak for a minute.  I was nervously fidgeting with a small rock in my hands.  While we were speaking, I noticed he had his senior ring on his finger.  I had heard prior to this meeting of the possibility of him seeing an old girlfriend.  So when I saw the ring on his finger instead of his rear view mirror, I reacted by kind of throwing the little rock at his head.  I said something appropriate like, "it will stay right here until you come back to me?"
I was mad.  So I walked off and while still in his sight, I walked by a cowboy I knew, said something to him and we walked away together.  We left the rodeo together.  My intent was to "back at ya babe" my time out boyfriend.  I came back later to find my girlfriend that came to the rodeo with me.  She and I left and went to my house.
So here is the good part.  I lived on a road that ended a couple of houses down from mine.  Perpendicular to my road was Cemetery Road.  So when you came to the end of my road, you should either turn right or left or you will run into an embankment bordering the cemetery.
After arriving at my home with my friend, we were near the door when we heard screeching of tires and revving of a motor.  It was a car flying down my road.  It was time out boyfriend.  He had his brother in the car with him and he was speeding and spinning tires past my house.  This, I assumed, was the "I saw you leave with him and I am mad" show.
We stood and watched as he sped past my house and yeah, you got it, he was less than a hundred yards from the end of my road.  He was looking in my direction.  There was little time for me to think, but somewhere in my brain, the thought flew by - Oh my gosh, he is not slowing down.  In less than a few seconds we heard the screeching of tires, slamming of breaks and then a small, thud kind of boomish, not quite crash sound.  Uh, embankment!
(I am so laughing out loud right now.)  Well before we could get out to the road to look down it and see what happened, he had quietly driven away.  So basically, his mind could not contain the anger and the memory of the end of my road at the same time.
Sorry, I had to stop writing to laugh some more.  The best re-telling of this story comes from his brother describing his trip around the inside of that car and I believe ending up in the back seat, somehow.  No one wore seat belts back then.
Needless to say, my friend and I had much fun into the night with this one.  I knew they were alright, so I played the scenario over and over in my head.  He was soooooo jealous and I liked it!  Timeout lasted longer after this night. 
Morals of this story: 
  1. Uh, embankment.
  2. Don't go out with old yucky girlfriend during time out.
  3. Anger really does blind you!
  4. If you say it is going to stay on the rear view mirror, leave it on the rear view mirror!

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