Saturday, June 4, 2011

See This Show ... Witness: Tornado Swarm 2011

It is called Witness: Tornado Swarm 2011.

3 days in April.  It is just videos of the tornadoes that moved across the country.  Videos only, show is not narrated except to tell dates and location information, just the voices of the many persons videoing and persons in presence of.  You can hear some of the real emergency warning audios.  Some tornado chasers, but mostly personal videos and cell phone videos. I don't think I had seen of these on any of the news.

Personal video from inside the airport that was hit.  Very, very informative, especially if you live in tornado alley.

This is not graphic of victims, but the audio is real and mostly unedited, not for kiddos.  It is too scary for young kiddos.  It is contains several of the most  awesome video of tornadoes I have seen.

I was mesmerized.

I cannot believe how close some of these people were, with these huge, I mean huge tornadoes coming straight towards them.  I am awe struck watching this as I write.  I am like thinking (maybe yelling) "run!" while I am watching it.  Amazing videos, the biggest are more than half way through the show.  I rewound and watched again.  I didn't catch the beginning of this just happened on it, I am DVR'ing one of the upcoming repeats to get the beginning.

There are 3 more viewings, Sunday morning, Monday morning and Tuesday afternoon, on NGC channel.  National Geographic, DVR it.  If it is in a class of some kind, it would win award for documentary.

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