Sunday, June 26, 2011

Moody Workin' Blues!

Work Work Work!  I want another Vacation!  or 2 or 3....

If it weren't for the deadlines looming over my head, I wouldn't know what day it was!

But I know too well what day this is and how fast that deadline is zooming its way towards me.  So social life is suffering much!  I definitely don't want to rush that deadline date!  But I cannot wait until it is over and my magnificent creations are delivered and done with!

Of course then starts a new one, but not the same pressure - yet!

So many things I want to be free to do - seeing my family and friends more than 1 second at at time is the first!  Doing some things in my yard, lay out by a pool, get my hair done and a great mani-pedi is on the list!!!  I can't wait to see Cowboys and Aliens - The new Transformers - and I want to see them in the theater!  I rented Sanctum - it was good, but I know it would have been amazing on the big screen!  I want to see Popper's Penguins, Bad Teacher and Bridesmaids too!  There are more new ones coming out but haven't been paying attention lately!  There are even a couple of Omnis I want to see.

And ....   Writing some good Moodies!!!!!  I know I have been falling short in a major way!!  Don't leave me!!

I want to read a new book!!!  Hmmmm which one do I want to read first??  I am soooo behind on reading!  No non-fiction!  I want to go on an adventure, get lost in a mystery or travel to some far away land or let's get the heebie jeebies in a great suspense like Thunderhead!

Can we all say HELLO.... FOOTBALL already!

Needless to say I am working all weekend but about to take a break to go see my Mommie!!!

BE HAPPY PEOPLE - Even if you have to work too much!!!

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