Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Let It Rain!

Yeah!  We got rain, actually a storm in the middle of the night last night - I never knew it!  It is very rare that something doesn't wake me during the night if there is any volume to it at all.  I am so surprised I slept through a storm.  But again, Yeah we got rain!

I really love the rain, I love the sounds of it all.  I love the sound as it spatters on the window and when you have it, the way it sounds on a metal roof is just amazing.  I love the rolling distant thunder as it builds on itself as if to announce its intention of coming your way.  The crackling of lightening as it spreads across the sky.  The sights, sounds and smells of thunderstorms in the mountains can't be beat.  All of this to me is healing, it is exciting, it is romantic and calming.  And it gives me a nod from the Lord that He is there and in control.

I love the cleanness of the air after a good rain shower.  I love that it washes away all of my allergens!!

I think I could live in Seattle!!!  Nah, love my Texas, but I would like to visit, I have never been to Washington state!  (making a plan)

There is a storm approaching FW even now as I type and will be again grateful for the rain.  All over Texas, there have been fires again.  My daughter's family deer lease in East Texas burned a few days ago.  And there are many more all over Texas.  I am praying rain keeps popping up all over the state for an extended amount of time!  Whoo Hoo!  Let's have a rainy summer!

The last storm coming through was followed by a cool front :)  In Texas that may mean upper eighties instead 100.  It has been over 100 too many days so far and it is not even the 100+ temps months yet.  So we have a little bit of a breather right now.  God is Good.

I live in a state that usually needs rain, so I am thankful when it comes.  I know storms have caused much terrible harm in the recent months, no one wants that, so I pray no harm comes with the rain I pray for!

Be Happy People!  May it rain blessings on all of you!

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