Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Refreshed And Misty Eyed!

Galveston Oh Galveston!
Yes I went on our girls trip again and loved every minute of it!
I got lots of pics posted on FB but will be adding some here also!

I totally feel I will move to the beach someday, I simply love it and all it has to offer.  I have gone many times, mostly to Galveston, but beaches from one side of the states to the other and Mexico.  I know that I have not seen the best, but all I have experienced is enough to know I love it, love it, love it.

The sea air is amazing, the water - looking out into the abyss of water just brings peace to me.  The breezes are refreshing, mesmerizing actually.  The sound of the waves crashing to the beach and on the rocks by the piers.  I love seeing the ships lined up to go into port, at night it is like a string of lights on the horizon, again peace.

I am pleased and amazed at all the fishing boats, shrimp boats and the huge ships.  I am fascinated by the islanders and ponder much on the life they lead.  I think surely I can fit in!

And of course it could go without saying, but that wouldn't be me!  So I will say it, the seafood, I love the seafood.  Oysters and shrimp and catch of the days, hello!

We went to a restaurant and met the most amazing person serving there.  She is German and her and her family immigrated there and stayed.  She told us of her story and how they lived on the island.  It was a pleasure.  And a great restaurant, which we did not expect, I will do a post on Miller's later!

We stayed in a hotel the first night and one of the girls that worked there told me of hers and other apartments I might be interested in, I will look into it.

The next day we went to the house we rented for the week and it was great.  The pool was excellent and all was good.

It sounds like a lot but this year 7 girls went and when we pool our money it is a very inexpensive vacation.  We put small amounts into an account all year and by the time May gets here, we have a full weeks vacation already paid for!  Nice!

This year we went to dinner and a play and the next morning we woke very early and went and caught a fishing boat, it was fun!  One girl caught a shark and we had shark steaks the next day, how nice is that???!!!  No, I didn't catch a fish, but I got very familiar with the squid bait and I caught 4 hours of direct sun!

It came at just the right time, I have had a not so happy past year and I was overdue for a getaway.  I feel refreshed!  And a little misty eyed because I miss it when I am not there.  I miss all the things I am missing as an in-lander!

I was more fascinated with the pelicans this time than my obligatory sea gulls but still got my gull pics also, this is just a couple of each I took ...

Nice birds, aye?
I love how they are just doing their thing and totally not paying one bit of attention to the girl with the camera!

OK People!  Dream, dream and Do it, Do it!
Go somewhere that makes you feel happy and peaceful, it was a re-charge deluxe!

Find a way and Be Happy People!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yes, Bev, it was amasing this year, again. love you and your Moodies! Sharon