Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Foundation And Spaghetti

I am reminded of late that there may be hurricanes, a few tornadoes and an earthquake or two and our lives are hit and things get broken, torn up and we get shaken to the core.  I am also reminded of this, it is the foundation that counts.

I have a solid foundation, the load bearing walls are still standing and the support beams, although not pretty, are still in place.

I believe in phrases like "Peace be still..." and "Rise and walk..." and "Be still and know that I am God..."

I am so very grateful for the person God made me.  I believe in unconditional love, trust, mercy, faithfulness and forgiveness.  Compassion, empathy and temperance are part of me.  I happen to love the person God made me, I think I will stay that way.

Unfortunately and I don't know exactly when, why or how, I have allowed things, experiences and people to lead me to believe those are weaknesses, but not anymore.

I have been taught throughout my life and I fully believe and know from experiences and from God Himself -  that those are actually strengths, not weaknesses.

For a minute, I forgot this.  By the grace of God, I pray I don't forget it again.  He just so happens to be my very own Master Builder and He is on the job as I speak.

It is good God made me a Pollyanna, I like it.

So People, I am metaphorically throwing the spaghetti against the wall, let's see what sticks!

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