Sunday, August 4, 2013

Dad And DadBob!


Not sure where that came from, the word DadBob, but I remember one day my dad said it.  Saying it and the reason why was one of the most hilarious things ever at the time.  One of those things you may not should have been laughing til you cried, but we did.  And this very same instance occurred multiple times with multiple persons along the way.  But never the same person twice, I am not sure but I don't think so.

Dad was gifted, a true horse whisperer.  I have said that before.  But he was a scoundrel too.  On this day he took a hit and his reaction was "DadBob!"  LOL.

Location: our small ranch years ago.  Subjects:  Dad and a glass door.  Because of my children, everyone called him Pop.  He and others were outside, out front.  I was inside with several others.  My front door was open, but there was a glass door which had no object, sticker, reflection or anything to announce to on-comers that it was in fact there and standing between you and the inside of the house.  It had always been there since we built the house, everybody (we thought) knew about the invisible glass door :)

So on this day, dad led a handful of people in effort to make their way inside the house.  For some strange reason, which always was the case, I and others were watching.  Dad was talking, must be where I got it, he talked all the time, he could put you in stitches with his stories, so he was not paying the closest attention.  And there was no time, in a split second I had no time for warning him.  He was about to walk into that door.  Hahaha.  Yes I am laughing while writing this!

And there it was, he slammed his walking, talking self head on into that door without slowing one tiny bit.  (Still laughing audibly while typing these words)  The vision of his body temporarily flattening by the force of natural walking speed into that glass door was instantly astounding.  A mixed moment of OMG, Wow that looked painful, followed by uncontrollable laughter (once, kind of, maybe a micro second after knowing he was ok?)  Not.

He almost always wore his Stetson, but this day he was wearing his cap and it smashed and went cocked off to the side and up his unsuspecting forehead at the moment of impact.  His nose smashed and his glasses were half way up his head on one side and looked a bit crumpled.  The thing is, umm glass door, we could see all of this as if in slow motion, but it only took a second.  Straight after the unsuspected impact, he bounced off the door and immediately exclaimed... DadBob!

Ok, well this just added to the rolling on the floor, tears in your eyes laughter among the bystanders.  You want to and try to muster a compassionate "are you ok?"  But seriously it was nigh impossible.  And any attempt at this is, well, totally understood by my dad, seemed completely, ridiculously insincere.  It would have been the exact moment of spewing tea or any beverage out your nose and mouth had you been unfortunate enough to have been drinking at that very moment.

And where the heck did DadBob come from?  Seriously, the fact that it was that word that came out of his mouth, just cracked everyone up even more.  I must look up the origin but I suspect all for naught, it won't be there.

He played it off like a champ!  Laughed with us all while straightening his cap and glasses, embarrassed I am sure, but around our circle of family and friends, being embarrassed was fruitless.  You might as well jump into the hilarity because it was going to happen.  It could not be dissuaded.  Not going to happen.  If I tell you I am laughing at myself, I mean it.  Cannot miss a moment when you can laugh instead of cry.  It is good for the soul.  Here it is sooooo many years later and I am laughing.  Love it.

There were other occasions with this same glass door.  Billy Jones' mom, older lady, did it also.  But she was madder than a wet hen, she did not laugh at all.  I think she may have hit her son for laughing and we, all those in the presence of this totally priceless situation, had to muffle and I mean muffle fast because she was the opposite of amused!  For the duration of her visit, she was mad and we could barely contain ourselves!  I felt so bad, but I was cracking up on the inside, can't even deny it.

Then there was our psycho kitty that no one knows what went on in her head, but she decided instantly one day to jump up and shoot out the door, ummm glass door.  Our laughter that day was preceded by a moment of shocked silence - what the heck!?  It was as if someone invisible had poked her with a cattle-prod... again, what the heck?!   Then laughter ensued... LOL!

I was reminded of these events because the other day I had a similar experience, all alone, but laughed just the same.  Mosquitoes are evil creatures and I have had to keep the screen on my patio door closed to aid in the fight against them.  Going out to the patio to drink my morning coffee, very early in the morning it was dark outside which totally made the screen invisible.  I didn't hit the screen full on, but I was leading with the full cup of coffee and it did.

I was momentarily shocked, like what the heck!  Coffee went everywhere.  I laughed.  Although irritated by the fact that I am having to get coffee out of the carpet instead of drinking it at such an early hour, I laughed.  Where are the guffaws, the comradery of family and friends when you need them????

Might as well Lighten Up People!  Laughing is a great thing!  Even at your own expense!

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