Sunday, May 26, 2013

Give Me A Minute...

Drawing by Autumn Ives Simo

I know, I know, I know I am acting different, but give me a minute...
Like it or not, one 5 minute phone call, boom, I don't have control over anything.  Of course when did I ever right?
It is hard being tender hearted and strong at the same time, it makes for much mixed emotions.
My daughter and I call it Quad-polar:
And it is like musical chairs, I never know when the change up is coming!
And yes, if you are in my life, you get to experience it!  :)
It's temporary!  Get over it!  Hang with me!  There are more smiles and laughter than before, so I am on the right track.  God is good and life is anything but boring!

Be Happy People!  And if you aren't happy for a minute, be patient with yourself, change up is on its way!

(There is a beautiful story behind Autie's drawing, I will tell it sometime or I will let her tell it.)

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