Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Good Grief - Can We Stop With The 100s Already???

44 days over 100 this year so far, 38 of those days were consecutive...  Can we say dying, dying, dead.

I think I got 3rd degree burns just from my daughter's car seat the other day!

Don't leave kids and animals in the car!!!  Can't believe you actually have to keep saying that out loud.
Even with your normal yard animals, leave big, big containers of water that they cannot turn over outside for them!  My sister has kid pool for her puppies filled all the time, especially because one of them, sweet sweet buddy, doesn't have the sense not to dump his water bowl the second you fill it up for him.

I went to Michigan a couple of weeks ago and they were having a heat emergency for temps in the 90s!  It is all over the place!  It is a lot more humid there than here in FW too.

In Fort Worth, here, I am crying uncle!  I am officially praying for rain and temps under 90!  And will continue to do so until we can actually go outside and play without fear of heat strokes and melting.  Literally, the all natural look is back, you cannot wear makeup out in this!  It just melts away or should I say down your face or on the towel, kleenex, whatever to keep your face dry.  And you might as well start the day with your hair in a pony tail, it will end up in one anyway!

Ok, ok - whoo hoo for the pools but again, seriously 108 outside and even if you are in a pool, you are breathing very bad air.  Not to mention the sun rays.  Even pool time should be minimal for health reasons.  I cannot imagine letting your kiddos stay in the pool for hours in this heat.  I still want a pool in my yard too though.  I would make good use of it I promise!!!!

Water levels are dropping fast...  And soon the sprinklers I see going are going to be forced to stop or at least slow down considerably.

Enough with the negative, we have had record heat, now let's have some record low temps for Aug/Sept!
I believe, I believe, I believe!  I claim lower temps and rain in the forecasts and soon!!!!  Wait for it..., wait for it....

Am I used to this, yes I am, do I gripe every year, yes I do, will I move - duh - no.  I will just keep living through it and continue to give my opinion on it - every year!

Be happy people, make sure you are safely cool and check on those who may not get the help they need with their air conditioning!  Find a fan or air conitioner donation center and help those who cannot help themselves!!!

Oh yeah and pray for rain and low temps!!!  They are a' comin' !!!!

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