Friday, April 22, 2011

Texas Wildfires Border To Border

I don't usually do this but I am posting a url to some of the most amazing photography of the current wildfires here in Texas.  I wanted to share, see these... the photography is very impressive, the scenes are magnificently indicative of fire, its beauty and destructiveness and also blends the humanity.

I am adding a quote that sums it up from Atlantic Wire:

To succinctly describe what's happening in the state today, many news outlets ran with this quote uttered by a Texas Forest Service spokesperson April Saginor:
"We're actually seeing Texas burn from border to border. We've got it in West Texas, in East Texas, in North Texas, in South Texas - it's all over the state...We've got one in the Dallas area that's four fires that have actually merged together."
And from me:  keep this, all the firefighters, the Texas people and their homes in your prayers.  The fires have been burning the better part of a month and just last night was reported to be only 25% contained.

I left my house a week ago and it appeared as if there was a fire nearby, there was such a haze in the air and you could smell the smoke.  Later that evening on the news it showed where we, in Fort Worth, were seeing the smoke from fires in near by counties.

Thank you Shelly for sharing this with me!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Praying for rain! Sh