Well this week has not gone exactly the way I thought it would. This freak winter storm in Texas just threw me for a loop and played havoc in all kind of ways with travel and fun and people trying to travel to sunny Texas for this match up. Honestly, 70s and 80s last weekend and we have been under a layer of ice now for over 4 days! I really hate that all the masses coming to visit us, did not get the 70s and 80s!
All kidding and venom aside, I am very proud of my city and my team's stadium and the fact that we are hosting. It is an amazing venue and you cannot deny it! No matter who you hate.
Nobody ordered me a limo bus with a sand truck in front of me to take me to the stadium or anywhere else for that matter so I have been stuck inside and on top of that I got some kind of flu. So it has been a sad disappointing week! But moving on from there, meds in hand, sunshine outside and ignoring the reports that there is more arctic temps headed our way next week, I am taking the vitamins and prepping for a great weekend and a great game! I cannot wait!
Keep watching I will be posting some Fort Worth Super Bowl pics you may want to see.
I feel the same, what a time for Texas weather to misbehave! I am working nights, so I will miss the actual game live, but I hope the Steelers kick some cheese butts! Sh
I will keep you posted on Moody!
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