I absolutely love to fly. I have been blessed to be able to fly in several different kinds and sizes of airplanes. But never a helicopter, yet, it is on my list.I was fortunate to have a couple of friends who were pilots and they flew me to my daughter’s college graduation in a small two seater. When we drove up to the airport and I saw the plane for the first time, I knew I was either going to hate this or love it. At that moment I really wasn’t sure, it was so small. But we climbed up on the wing, got settled and buckled in with my headset on. We just began to taxi and I was hooked! It was so exciting, I felt like a puppy wanting to run back and forth to the windows on either side, to see all that I could see. Even when we were taking off, I had no inhibitions. The whole flight was great, but taking off and landing was the best. As we neared our destination, we slowed down and the pilot said we need to watch out for other small planes, eeeek. Hello! But it was great seeing the other planes circling around readying themselves to land. Then over the headset he apologized that he was about to bank hard to the left. I told him he could do rolls and I would love it. And I meant it. When he banked we were on our side looking down at the ground and it was exhilarating.
In commercial airplanes, I look out the window (always a window seat) it gives me such peace. I can sleep on a plane easily, but most of the time I am distracted from sleep just by observing the clouds, the land, the bodies of water and much more. I don’t have all the pictures of the sites I saw, but I wish that I did.
I flew on Sept 10, 2001 and was scheduled to fly back on Thursday, of course it was cancelled. I stayed in Connecticut for another week. When it came time to fly home, I was nervous until I stepped into my plane and it was like getting into my own car, I flew so much. Immediately I was not nervous at all and never was after that. I am so glad.
The helicopter thing is on my bucket list but Don has no interest in joining me. Maybe you and I could do that together - wouldn't that be fun!! I love your positive attitude and zest for adventure.
I am just like you, I love to fly!! And just like you sometimes I want to sleep but I can't stop looking out the window!! Sometimes I wish someone was sitting next to me telling me what everything was that I was looking at!!
You are on Deb, I would love to helicopter with you!
I know daughter! You are like me! Sometimes you get a good pilot that tells you where you are and something coming up to see, but it is rare!
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