Sunday, June 10, 2012

Virginia Beach And Shout Out To Lisa & Gary!

Virginia Beach!

Sitting at my patio table at Mahi Mahs on the beach!
Above is my cell phone's attempt at a panoramic.
I left my digital camera at home so all photos are taken with my cell.
Not as good but memories all the same!

More photos down the post, but wanted to do my Shout Out to Lisa and Gary!  When you travel with your job, you meet people along the way.  And from time to time I meet persons I want to be friends with long past my visit.  This is one of those times.  Gary is actually on my team and this is the first time we met in person, lots of meetings on the phone, but have never met until now.  We had a great time in Virginia Beach!  Chances we will end up in the same place in the future is good!  See you somewhere else Gary!!  I am soooo glad we finally got to meet, you are a fun person and can't wait to meet up at another site!

Now Lisa on the other hand works at the site that I traveled to and she had the burden of escorting me in her building!  She and I hit it off instantly and I like her and her personality - Lisa, you rock!  Yes I am positive she got aggravated in a funny way at having to wait on me so she could leave - great trainer sitter she is!  No wandering the halls!  Whatever!

So, going to cities I have never been to was made enjoyable with these two.  We went to Rudee's for Lobster tail and my second bunch of oysters, so mad I didn't take a pic.  It was fun and if I go back we will repeat!

All of this good stuff was brought to an abrupt end once I got to the airport to come home!  Another story another time, can we all say tarmac??

Virginia Beach, mark another destination off my to do list - good visit.  When I first got there I drove past my hotel exit and headed straight to the beach.  Did not find walking in the sand and seeing the ocean, no.  There was a big event and I saw a million people I think and could barely drive down Atlantic, much less park anywhere.  So I looked around a bit, and then headed back to hotel.  It wasn't until the next day I ate at Mahi Mah's and sat where I could see the beach and the water.  But I got some pics on that attempt to see the ocean...  (you don't see too many people in these pics - cause I had to pay attention and not hit any pedestrians!)

Let me also say I wish I could have seen and spent time with Whit and her angels while I was in her town!  So close....

So Be Happy People - find and have an adventure you've never had before and take pics for the memories!

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Cowboys & Aliens, Finally!

I don't care what role Harrison Ford plays - he rocks!  His facial expressions are priceless.  I finally watched Cowboys & Aliens.  Harrison plays a dodgy, crotchety old bad man and he is great at it.  He has facial quirks like no other.  Bad stuff is happening and I am smiling at him.

Daniel Craig is the serious, tortured, dramatic, eye candy guy in this and of course he rocks it too.  Most men look great as cowboys, not all, but most if they do it up right!  :)

I am afraid if I watch movies at home I have gotten into the habit of multi-tasking and it irritates me.  But I tried real hard with this one, wish I had seen it in the theater.

I like the characters in this western, they look right, they speak correctly for the era and good job with the details of fusing the old west and the alien possibilities.

Kudos for all the westerns they are making these days, love it.  Making them is one thing, making them look real is yet another, good job.  Cinematography - 1/2 and 1/2, some scenes it is great, others, eh.

I kept wondering about the character called Doc, so familiar, it took me a bit and then I looked it up to confirm, he is the crazy guy on green mile, Wild Bill, yuck!!!  But wow what a great actor.  He looks too normal in this movie so I couldn't figure it out.

Far fetched concept? Or is it?  Yeah, but isn't that our new normal!!!

Also, Olivia Wilde is a very good actress, surprise twist here.

One more, love this person, the Native American in tons of films, and I like him a lot... Adam Beach.  I saw him recently, again, in Flags Of Our Fathers.

So it took me awhile to get back to you on this one, even though I raved about how I could not wait for it to come out.  I liked it, it was good.  Was it outstanding like True Grit, no, but good none the less.  Who doesn't love cowboys, no matter what they are fighting!

See a western/alien film and Be Happy People!

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

The Awful Truth - H&McCs

Ok The End!

Wow that was hard to watch knowing it was a true story, how awful for all of them.
How awful were some of them!!!  Some were very cruel and without conscience.  Thank goodness for some who did, but their hatred was bred almost completely through them all.
(trying not to speak details for those who may not have watched yet)

I take back that 3 nights would not be enough - I'm done.  I don't take back the writing, the acting and the the images of the countryside.  It was all great.

But as many times when you are watching a period of history, you put yourself there, or at least I do.  I imagine the air, the smells and the feelings at that time.  And this one, not near at the top of the list of horrible, is still a hard, hard, sad set of events.

I was hoping for and grateful for the real life information at the end of the show.  Very interesting.  Very hard life they led, obviously a lot brought on by their hatred and inability to co-exist.  And quite ironic that they hated each other so much and the note at the end said that it brought about the fact that their names were forever bonded together, so much so, that you cannot say one without thinking or saying the other.

So whew!  That was good and one thing it did for me was to re-kindle my love for history.  The show is done but I find myself wanting to research the history of it all, including the facts surrounding the truce signed by descendants just 9 years ago.

So as a start I looked up some real photographs...

Devil Anse Hatfield

His grave site, the statue was done by someone in Italy (look at that country)

Randolf Randall McCoy

It is weird after watching that to say "Be Happy People" but....


Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Oh Yeah It's Good - H&Mc's

Too good actually, I cannot believe people lived like this - wow.

3 part mini series is not going to be enough for me, but then again, maybe I will get something done after it is over because I am glued.

Great acting all around - kudos deluxe.  I am engrossed in the story, in the acting, in the scenery and in the realness of a place and time I cannot imagine.

The episodes are repeating many times during the day - so if you wanted to watch it, record it and watch it.

But again, wow.  What a history/reality check.  What a way of life.  I find myself thinking why don't you pack a bag of food and clothes and hit the road and get out of there, run, don't walk.

Again, great acting, a handful excel in this one.  I am believing every minute.

Side note:  I love Tom Berenger and in this, he is a scroungy, mean scoundrel, hahaha, love him.

I don't have to say over and over, I love everything Kevin Costner does and Bill Paxton too.  Bill is not the greatest actor in the world but you gotta love him!

Oh yeah I had forgotten about Powers Booth, nice...

Be Happy People, we have a whole lot to be thankful for!

Monday, May 28, 2012

War Horse

I watched War Horse, appropriate for this Memorial Day.  It was set in WWI.
It reminded me how long ago and how non-technical that war was.  Although it had some good effects, it did not get graphic on the war parts, so kiddos are ok to see it.  In fact this is a great family movie.

Great horse, best actor in the movie.  I was nervous and excited and perplexed and nervous again.  There were sad parts and maybe because I was multi-tasking, I didn't cry like several had told me they did, although I felt like it a few times.  But let me say this, I have not given away any plot to War Horse.

I love movies with great trained horses, maybe because I was raised around them.  They are beautiful things God made.  When they are spirited as this one was, it makes them even more so.  There were other horses in this movie, a big black one played a big part in this movie.

The movie was a little slow in parts, but it was telling a story.  There were times when I had a hard time sitting still, it made me nervous.  It had some really good characters in it, makes sense in war times, they popped in and out quickly as the horse moved through different places in this war.

This is a really good movie, a family movie.  Really good cinematography, Spielberg of course!  I think, I/we have gotten so used to the blockbuster action packed films, that a smooth family movie as this one deserves a good watch.

Although the actors were not huge names, they were very good actors, here and there all the way through.  The young man did a great job, totally believable.  Others too many to mention, but excellent characters written into the film.

So watch it, watch with your kids or watch it alone as I did while I was fb'ing with friends who had seen it before me.

Now I am on to Hatfields and McCoys, chocked full of bigger names and as I can see so far, not for the kiddos!

Be Happy People!  Take a load off and watch a good flic!

Hatfields and McCoys Tonight!

Kevin Costner, Bill Paxton, Tom Berenger - Just Sayin' !

History Channel 8pm Central Part 1 of 3!

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Refreshed And Misty Eyed!

Galveston Oh Galveston!
Yes I went on our girls trip again and loved every minute of it!
I got lots of pics posted on FB but will be adding some here also!

I totally feel I will move to the beach someday, I simply love it and all it has to offer.  I have gone many times, mostly to Galveston, but beaches from one side of the states to the other and Mexico.  I know that I have not seen the best, but all I have experienced is enough to know I love it, love it, love it.

The sea air is amazing, the water - looking out into the abyss of water just brings peace to me.  The breezes are refreshing, mesmerizing actually.  The sound of the waves crashing to the beach and on the rocks by the piers.  I love seeing the ships lined up to go into port, at night it is like a string of lights on the horizon, again peace.

I am pleased and amazed at all the fishing boats, shrimp boats and the huge ships.  I am fascinated by the islanders and ponder much on the life they lead.  I think surely I can fit in!

And of course it could go without saying, but that wouldn't be me!  So I will say it, the seafood, I love the seafood.  Oysters and shrimp and catch of the days, hello!

We went to a restaurant and met the most amazing person serving there.  She is German and her and her family immigrated there and stayed.  She told us of her story and how they lived on the island.  It was a pleasure.  And a great restaurant, which we did not expect, I will do a post on Miller's later!

We stayed in a hotel the first night and one of the girls that worked there told me of hers and other apartments I might be interested in, I will look into it.

The next day we went to the house we rented for the week and it was great.  The pool was excellent and all was good.

It sounds like a lot but this year 7 girls went and when we pool our money it is a very inexpensive vacation.  We put small amounts into an account all year and by the time May gets here, we have a full weeks vacation already paid for!  Nice!

This year we went to dinner and a play and the next morning we woke very early and went and caught a fishing boat, it was fun!  One girl caught a shark and we had shark steaks the next day, how nice is that???!!!  No, I didn't catch a fish, but I got very familiar with the squid bait and I caught 4 hours of direct sun!

It came at just the right time, I have had a not so happy past year and I was overdue for a getaway.  I feel refreshed!  And a little misty eyed because I miss it when I am not there.  I miss all the things I am missing as an in-lander!

I was more fascinated with the pelicans this time than my obligatory sea gulls but still got my gull pics also, this is just a couple of each I took ...

Nice birds, aye?
I love how they are just doing their thing and totally not paying one bit of attention to the girl with the camera!

OK People!  Dream, dream and Do it, Do it!
Go somewhere that makes you feel happy and peaceful, it was a re-charge deluxe!

Find a way and Be Happy People!

Monday, April 23, 2012

The Help!

This is a great movie!!!

I loved it, great characters and some excellent one liners!  Minny was outrageous and I loved her!

Definitely hit the nail on the head too.  It put just the right flavor, truth and humor to address just a tiny piece of an era that should never have taken place.  I am with Skeeter!  Loved the ladies, the maids and thinking this is a true story - You go girls!!! 

I would have hated to be the actress who played Hilly, good job though horrid character!  Which in real life I am sure she was much worse.  I liked Skeeter's mom and her banishing of Hilly from her porch!

Sissy Spacek ruled, love her and as usual a real pro!  Some people are just born to act!  She can play humor just as well as deep, deep drama.

Be Happy People!  Watch a movie and laugh and cry and laugh again!
Got several on my radar!  Just being slow about it!

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Oh Yeah Here Come The Games!

Summer Olympics are just around the corner, that's great!
I haven't had the chance to actually see any pre-lims but I am sure it is going to be great as usual!  I am also sure we will start seeing our participant intros start soon.
I always try to watch both Summer and Winter Os, but seriously I don't think my DVR can take anymore!

Be Happy People - Exercise by proxy this summer with the Olympics!

Monday, April 16, 2012

Not An Everyday Girl - Yet!

You know all the "blog" people say, you gotta be able to post consistently.  Well I am not there yet I don't think.

I still have all of life I am trying to get back to and keep up with, so my posts will be in spurts til I get my mojo back!  My story telling mojo!

I love doing my Moody so I will get there!

Spring has sprung and lots of things going on.  And lots of allergens in the air!  And tornados!

Vacation times are coming, hopefully new stories to tell!  Oh yeah oyster bound.... later!

Be happy people!

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Uh - No I don't think so...

I was watching TV and this silly commercial came on with a silly guy on the beach singing about your credit report.
What got me was they did a scene where he was buried in the sand up to his neck and I immediately put myself in his place.
There is noooo way I would let them bury me in the sand up to my neck even for a commercial.  Claustrophobic maybe?  Probably, but that wouldn't happen!

Friday, April 13, 2012

Life Affected Me!

I have to come to realize how nurturing the small things that make you happy is key to mental and emotional health.
In the years of mom's long fight with dementia and now her recent passing, we were all affected.  Each in our own way - in different ways.

My sister and I have gone through something that has created a special bond between us for life.  We stood arm in arm in the Lion's Den, refusing to let go of each other.  We would face it, together.

I had become overwhelmed by the big things in life, the sad, the unbearable, the hard-to-accomplish things and even the little things became big.  I actually hurt myself trying unrealistically to fix things I could not possibly fix.

Mountains kept popping up all around me and the little happy things got lost. And I am not talking the mountains I love to visit like Colo or NM, I am talking about the ones that take more than I've got to cross or go around.  Do I hate how all this affected me?  Yes, but I cannot say that it could have been averted.  Very importantly, I have stopped trying to analyze it, stopped trying to put labels on each event and shortcoming.  Trying to get the answers to all the "Why's" in our life will hurt you.  Sometimes you just gotta let it go.

Bottom line, I refuse to allow that cloud to stay over me or to let it affect my life negatively in any way going forward.
I am making the "choice" to move forward.  To remember, yes, but I am leaving the bad behind and focusing on the good, learn from it and move on, back to living happy.
I refuse to give place to regrets.  What happens in my life I will look at it, learn from it, pack away the negative as much as I humanly can and nurture the positive!  Jesus Hold My Hand!

Lake of fire means something to me!  If you feel like dredging up the bad - turn and walk the other way.  Hope rules here!

I really and truly, without a doubt, feel that this life, my life is a gift from God.
I want to and strive to, start everyday anew.  Do I always succeed, no.  But I refuse to stop trying, steadfast in the effort, you start succeeding more than you fail.  Practice, practice, practice!
I may not be the best ball player on the field, but I'm in the game and I am playing!

Life can be very hard and we are all different, please stop judging people, you have no idea what is going on in their life or in their heart, just stop.  Pain in the heart manifests in many different ways in people you cannot imagine.

Will there be bad, sad or hard things in our lives, yes and God will help us handle them if we let Him.
And then life goes on.  (channeling my inner M'Lynn!)

So I make my lists:
1. Things that make me happy - nurture them, do them!
2. Things I can fix - fix them, or at least start...
3. Things I cannot fix - pray, pray, pray and literally hand them over to God, He is better at fixing than I am!
4. Make these my goals, act like it and share:  Love, smiles, hope and believe!
I got a life to live, it ain't over yet!

The Good Lord willing, I am going to love my family, write, read, travel, dance and much much more!
I love my mom so much, I know her and I know what she would say to me today and it is good.  She was loving and kind.  She was steadfast, independent and stubborn.  She was a warrior for God and faithful.
I will follow her lead and make the most of my life, to remember what is important and getter done!

Her funeral service was a celebration and it proved what an affect one person's life can have on many.  Did she have an easy life, no way.  Did she have a hard life and make the best of it, yes, in a very big way!  I will follow her lead, I thank you mom! I love you mom!

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Pascagoula, MS - what do you know about it?

My job may be sending me to Pascagoula for work, I have never been there!
So I was wondering if anyone knew any tips for when I visit.
Like good places to eat!  Oysters?
Or what is a must see on a visit to Pascagoula???
Best place to go to the beach?  Need my seagull pic you know!

I may be going somewhere else too, I will blog that place when I know!

I'm Back!

Hello World!

I have been away and sorely missing my blog!
My mom has been very ill and just recently she has passed away.
She is dancing streets of gold now and is no longer in pain or suffering.

I have missed it and I will be picking up on my writing soon!  So don't stay away!